Him: I heard that their meetings are full of kuih-muih (Malay for 'cakes / pastries')
Me: Yeah. Everytime there's a meeting, the secretary will call everyone involved to get the headcount, for her to order kuih.
Like wtf, go run the country or something. Or help your bosses run the country.
It's like a sick Marie Antoinette joke - Let them eat cake.
Once I finally joined the Blackberry revolution, there was no turning back.
Among others, part of my daily routine now includes reading my bank's daily research morning calls while driving on the way to work. Berry in my left hand, with the right hand on the wheel, both eyes glued to the screen and letting my peripheral vision pick up any closely looming vehicles.
One piece of interesting news this morning is that Goldman Sachs is the latest in the string of banks to get a license in Malaysia.
I Bchatted Superhero in jest -
"If you join them, take me with you. Tell you first."
Lol. But honestly, something big's been brewing lately, unfortunately my tongue needs to stay silent for the moment.
I am so looking forward to closing this, and then skipping town for awhile to go on a solo trip somewhere. Thinking of Angkor Wat again.
Some hilarious answers to real life test questions, culled from a pool of students who scored F's in their exams. You got to give it to them, at least they're funny.

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