Why do we end up where we end up?
Why won't Brad Pitt leave Angelina?
Why do we still knowingly hurt ourselves?
Why am I putting myself through all this just to afford that urban pad with walk-in changing room?
They are alot of questions.
Questions to be pondered at length ... but at some other time and not tonight.
Too penat.
"No, you don't have to ask me permission. Just tell me then go. You can come and go anytime, I leave you to plan your time. As long as everything gets done."
So nice, my current boss.
If there's one thing I'm grateful for, it's great bosses. Then and now.
Well except for one anal twat which marred the whole boss-employee experience a little.
On another note, I have 19 years and 10 more months to go before I can tell Mata Hari.
Haiyoh. Lambat lagi.
I want to buy Richard Phillips' "Scout". As seen in Chuck Bass's bedroom in Gossip Girl. Today I woke up and decided I want bad boys. Of course knowing my flaky behaviour in every aspect of life except work and organizing Japanese restaurant meal outings, I probably will wake up tomorrow and decide I want to stick to good boys instead.

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