Friday, February 27, 2009

Tempest in the Local Teapot

Talks are rife in the market about a spate of resignations to come out from a certain investment bank in town. The tempest in the banking teapot purportedly stems from the inability to harmoniously merge the working levels, post acquisition of an advisory firm. The IB department has lost close to 40% of its arsenal, with notable departures like the head of research and key team heads in corporate finance.

Sources close to the matter report that an emergency meeting was held among the CEO and senior management to discuss the issue.

"They're seriously unfriendly. Unhelpful." - Overheard, about one of the advisory firm's staff.

"Of course nobody is going to tell them, more satisfying to watch them implode." - A comment when asked why there seems to be a certain disconnect and lack of communication between sides.

The two sides, I shall call them the Ace Gang and the Stalwarts, have jarringly different opinions about almost everything, like the perception of each other's abilities and work ethics. A few exceptions aside, Ace Gang thinks Stalwarts are severely incompetent especially in terms of presentation skills and Excel skills. But the Stalwarts are a wily bunch. Why go in with guns ablazing and go up in flames? Better to wait til first round is over then go in and systematically demolish everything, or in this case, wait til the Ace Gang shoots themselves in the foot.

Stalwarts work steadily, keep a low profile and generally are non-aggressive and tactful. This means when the work is done, Stalwarts see no reason to stay back in the office, and this can be taken as a sign of being too free, or unmotivated. Ace Gang members are young, driven, outspoken, sharp and direct. Good qualities if you're in organizations like Accenture.

The Ace gang, while undoubtedly are made up of a high achiever bunch who probably started reading at 6 months old and could spell 'aphrodisiac' in kindergarten, appear to have very little ability to connect with people on many levels. They work late, and wear their late-nights and all-nighters proudly like a badge of honour, but they have yet to deliver results. Big name pitches like PAAB and Tenaga were botched, whilst the Stalwarts are quietly and surely securing mandates in their silent, under-the-radar way.

I personally am an Ace gang-type. I respect driven and ruthless personalities, because that's what's needed to survive. But I know the Stalwarts have a wealth of knowledge to offer, and their experience should never be discounted and put aside just because they can't cook up pretty Powerpoint presentations or do a nested IF formula.

The jury is still out on whether the Ace Gang can refine their technique in time to clock in a few hits before the year end, but for that to happen, the realization that things have to change has to come soon.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hi. New blog. I have another one, but I think it's been discovered by a whole lot of nosy who's who's at the damn office, and I find I've been starting to censor myself of late. Plus I think if you google my name you can find that blog. And I kinda don't want whatever I put there to come back and bite my professional ass. Especially since I'm planning a stellar rise to rule the freaking world.
It is 4pm. Yet another day of pointless stupid amendments to the powerpoint presentation. Frankly, who gives a shit between "We propose the following options and we recommend Option 1" and "Of the two (2) options, we recommend Option 1"?

Nothing usually goes to plan, everything gets changed at the very last minute. And I've worked on this for months. And amidst the anal comments, I have to co-ordinate the compilation of information from so many people. Plus wait with bated breath for the bitch I hate in sales to get back to me. More stories about HER later.

So if my boss asks me ONE more time to clarify with bond research on why the fucking yield curve is shifting every single time the guy sends out an update, I will lose it. Working in this new team isn't as hunky as I thought it'd be. I wanted to work for my last boss. Now I just can't wait to get away from the current one.

And as luck would have it, I happen to be in the department with one of the slowest career progressions. Even the bf, who joined later than I did, is being given deals to run on his own so that his boss can justify a promotion for him to assistant vice president come end of the year.

Me? I'm right at the bottom of the food chain, despite working harder and smarter than some of the existing AVPs, with a very bleak looking progression. That's why I'm festering. That's why I'm tired. But that stupid noble thing I have, discipline, is stopping me from saying fuck you all.
Back to the bitch in sales. I actually have nothing against her except she ignores me when we're in a group, the you're-a-speck-of-dust kind of ignore. Sometimes, her attitude puzzles me especially since I didn't steal her boyfriend or anything. But mostly, it just pisses me off.

But karma and its retributory attributes exist. I was talking to Playboy, who happens to be friends with some of the guys the sales bitch has slept with, and when I asked what he thought of her, he proclaimed her a "village bicycle". Because everyone's taken a ride on it.

I wanted to punch my fists in the air and yell "You're damn right!" but of course I maintained. Must not lose my touch.
Life's seriously a drama when you're in your twenties.

Stay tuned.