Monday, June 22, 2009

zap zap

I will sooo be struck by lightning.

Trying ever so consciously to keep that whole image of my friends waggling their pinky fingers viciously at me, so I can remain SANE, and stay on the path that I'm convinced is right.

Right path, less excitement, more stability.

Only the right path annoys me sometimes because I find that despite us being on the same wavelength most of the time, it irks me somewhat that he isn't able to quickly see the same things I see and react as fast, especially in unfamiliar situations.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

meow meow meow

My hairdresser is on leave until the 18th. Oh woe. And I have PMS. Major manic depressive mood swings.

And I just ratted on my boss to my big boss. Saying I am giving forewarning that there is a problem, and its just not working out between us because he is not 'involved'. I am hereby now trying to phase out all work with him.

And then I got assigned the task of being the liaison with corporate communications on revamping our department's portion of the website. Retribution. Owch. Now I'm a copywriter too.

My used-to-be-close-but-not-so-close girlfriend has joined a church. Now thats surprising because she used to denounce all faith before. According to her, she is looking for peace and trying to solve this spiritual loss of direction. Besides the fact that I think its a wrong reason to go to church, I think alcohol does just fine as a substitute too.

There's clubbing with some friends this weekend and he's getting on my nerves as he's started meowwing about it. Me thinks he's gotten too used to me not going out and hitting my books all the time. I suppose he's in for a surprise then. Relationships. They don't surprise me anymore with the way they run their course.