Monday, March 22, 2010

Recorded Musings Part 1

Client - "It's been factually proven, that red meat causes colon cancer."
Coklat Boy - "Wait excuse me, sorry, but what does a colon do?"

CPO boy tries not to choke on his miso soup, while Amber energetically shouts, "Dubur. Dubur."

Coklat Boy is from Oxbridge. Funny too. We adore him now.

We were discussing the colon story later on.

CPO Boy - "I almost died when he asked what a colon does."
Me - "It does twice the work as a semi colon."
Amber - "Yesterday at the 100 yen shop, I spotted a pack of biscuits called 'creamed collon'"
I seem to have grown plumper over the months, supported by a rich diet of fatty Japanese sashimi and late night meals. However, its part of my one-sided bargain with the powers that be, as announced to my colleagues, that "I told God, you can let me stay fat, as long as I can write."

As long as I can write adequately and proficiently for this year to at least not look like an idiot to the rest of the firm, I can stay fat for 2010. Then I can diet in 2011. : D

1 comment:

  1. i love how you analyst type of ppl talk :)

    IB talk getting sien
