Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Ex Story

I thank God that my ex.. is my ex.

And not my current.

Even after 3 years apart, he still manages to piss me off every other time we have a conversation. The rest of the times, I'm just swallowing and thinking "water off a duck's back, water off a duck's back".

He roils on and on about how he doesn't deserve to be treated that way, but heck, after screaming about how two relationships go the same way, don't you think it's about time one considers what the only constant was in those two relationships?

You, my friend. You are the constant. And that probably means, 7 out of 10 times, you asked for it. I'm not going to speculate, whether it was your

a) Tactless behaviour towards your girlfriend's friends
b) Absolute pig-headedness and paranoia
c) Insecurity probably stemming from the fact your parents have such a hot and cold, off and on, sometimes there sometimes not, giving love and taking it back kind of relationship with you.

- but something's gotta give.

And I quit being the person who tries tirelessly to point it out to you, even after 3 years, in every countless way imaginable - nice, hard, honest, candid, fluffy, whatever.

I don't mean to curse you or be morbid.


You will die alone.
This of all things is the highlight of my day. Not even the fact that I'm being pushed to launch another report can stress me out so much. I have now learned the absolute painful truth of what the sentence "The shit never ends" means.

It really doesn't.

Every day I get tested. This 6 month uphill climb is torturous. I have moaned about quitting my job so often that CPO Boy will one day scream at me to just do it.

On another note, I have bought dining chairs. At long last. They remind me awfully of a Herman Miller chair, except they're not. Lol. One Herman I can afford. But not 3.

I can afford made in France placemats though. The lady from the Pavilion furniture shop on the highest floor was raving about the Made in France placemats that I ended up suckered into buying 6. For 200 dollars. Just because they matched the curtains.

I bought a rubbish can too. Just because they matched my kitchen walls. Haha.

This is never going to end. I love it. Waiting to see what treasure I get to pounce on next.

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